⚠️ SCAM ALERT: Global Boxes Limited


The website globalboxesltd.com has been identified as a fraudulent operation targeting potential shipping container buyers. DO NOT send any payments to this company.

Key Warning Signs of Shipping Container Scams:

  • Suspiciously low prices
  • Promises of free delivery
  • Brand new websites with little history
  • False business addresses (often using self-storage locations)
  • Phone numbers linked to multiple scam reports
  • Stolen images and content from legitimate traders
  • Heavy advertising on Facebook Marketplace, Gumtree, etc.

How These Scams Typically Operate:

  1. Scammers post attractive deals on marketplace platforms
  2. They often use unwitting “work-from-home marketers” who believe they’re working for a legitimate company
  3. These marketers forward potential customers to the scammers
  4. Scammers send professional-looking quotes and invoices
  5. Once payment is made, no container is delivered

If You’ve Been Victimized:

  1. Report to local police immediately
  2. File a report with Action Fraud
  3. Document all communications, invoices, and payment details
  4. Be wary of similar scams using variations of company names

Remember: If a container price seems too good to be true, it probably is. Always verify company credentials and never send payment to unverified businesses.

This warning specifically pertains to globalboxesltd.com and should not be confused with other legitimate companies with similar names.

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Before You Part With Your Money, CHECK!

Pop in your details and the website of the shipping container company that you are dealing with and I will check them out and get back to you before you pay.
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